Second Meeting of the OERCO2 Project in Faenza (Italy).

The second meeting of the OERCO2 Project, funded through the ERASMUS+ programme of the EU, was held in Faenza on 28 April.

This meeting was attended by all the members of the project: University of Seville (USE), Asociación Empresarial de Investigación Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, Piedra y Materiales (CTM), CertiMaC Soc. Cons, a r. L. (CertiMaC), Centro Tecnológico da Ceramica e do Vidrio (CTCV), Universitatea Transilvania Din Brasov (UTBV), Asociatia Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC).

The meeting presented the progress of the work carried out, including a comprehensive compilation of the environmental regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and their application in the construction sector in the different countries involved in the project and the results of the surveys on construction materials sent to professionals in the sector and students. Based on these surveys, and once the most common materials used in the construction processes were detected, the contents of the study programmes and the CO2 emissions calculation tool were discussed, as well as the structure of the OER, which will include all the results of the project and will provide an online environment for students and professionals in the construction sector.

The next meeting of the OERCO2 Project will take place in October 2017 in Bucharest (Romania) coinciding with the second international seminar.


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